Vein Doctor in NJ, Dr. Lowell S. Kabnick Describes Who is At Risk of Vein Disease

Up to 30 million people in the United States have some sort of vein disease. Because it is such a common affliction, most of us know someone who has suffered from varicose veins, spider veins, or other venous disorders. Many people wonder, “Am I at risk of developing these problems?”

What do NJ residents need to know about the risk factors for vein disease?
NJ vascular doctors report there are a number of risk factors for venous disease. Two of the most important contributors are age and heredity. In fact, about 50% of people over age 50 have some form of venous disease. People who have a family history of venous disease (a mother or aunt, for example), are also at increased risk. This all may sound rather worrisome, because you’ve probably already noticed that there’s not much we can do about our age or our genes. However, Morristown vein experts note that there are also lifestyle factors that play a significant role in the development of venous disease. One of the most important of these is weight. If you are obese or overweight, that places extra stress on the circulatory system and can lead to the development of varicose veins and spider veins. Living a sedentary lifestyle and having to spend long periods of time on your feet also stress the circulatory system and increase the work it must do against gravity. It’s not easy moving the blood all the way up the body and back to the heart, and it’s made more difficult when it must be against gravity. Finally, smoking cigarettes stimulates the circulatory system unnecessarily and may also contribute to existing venous problems.

How can a Morristown vein specialist help me prevent the development of vein disease?
If you have no symptoms or only mild symptoms of vein disease so far, conservative therapies may be enough to prevent the disease from progressing. These approaches include weight loss, regular exercise, and the use of compression stockings to aid the legs in moving the blood up the body towards the heart. These measures, however, will not get rid of existing varicose veins. Fortunately, for those, there are effective, minimally invasive treatments that can be carried out by your Morristown vein specialist. They can be done right in your NJ varicose vein treatment center, with no need to go to a hospital or experience lengthy recovery times. These procedures include sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser treatment and microphlebectomy. They are all very effective at restoring the health and beauty of your legs, with minimal discomfort and downtime. The best preventive measure you can take is to have a venous health screening before you notice significant symptoms of vein disease.

However, regardless of the progress of your vein disease, there is an effective solution for you. So give us a call today to set up an appointment. In NJ, you can call us at 973-538-2000. We look forward to meeting you and helping you prevent and treat vein disease quickly and easily.


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