Troubling Facts About Vein Disease From a Morristown Vein Specialist

The idea of vein disease is troubling to many people, but most don’t really understand the extent of the problems vein disease can cause. NJ vascular doctor Lowell S. Kabnick, a well known Morristown vein specialist, knows that many people view vein disease as mostly a cosmetic issue, a bothersome condition that affects people as they get older. However, the truth is a bit more complex than that.

What do Morris County residents need to know about the potential consequences of vein disease?
Vein disease is the result of damage or weakening of the tiny valves inside our veins. These valves ensure that our blood flows upwards properly, towards the heart, instead of pooling in the legs. When the valves begin to weaken, they are less able to propel the blood upwards and it can indeed stagnate in the lower extremities. This pooling of the blood in the legs can lead to swelling, aching, a heavy feeling, and those visible varicose veins that most of us are familiar with. At first, they may be nothing more than a visual nuisance. However, left without NJ varicose vein treatment, more serious consequences can occur. These consequences include skin ulceration and blood clots (deep vein thrombosis), which can be deadly. Blood clots can break free of their location in the leg and travel to the heart, lungs or brain, causing a deadly embolism. That’s a troubling consequence indeed!

Who gets varicose veins, and what can be done about them?
Almost everyone is at risk of developing varicose veins, especially as we get older. However, Morristown vein expert Dr. Kabnick notes that some people are more likely than others to develop vein disease. Those people include women, people over age 50, and those with a genetic history of vein disease. There’s not much we can do about our age or our genetics, but lifestyle factors also play a role. Being overweight or obese puts extra stress on the circulatory system, which can aggravate circulatory disorders. Being sedentary and smoking are also risk factors. The good news is that modern NJ vein disease treatment can reduce or eliminate troublesome vein disease more quickly and safely than ever before. Dr. Kabnick offers radiofrequency ablation, laser ablation, microphlebectomy and sclerotherapy, all of which can be performed right in our Morristown vein clinic on an outpatient basis. These procedures either remove or seal off varicose veins and they involve only tiny incisions in the skin, meaning minimal downtime, discomfort, and scarring for patients. The right treatment for you will depend on a number of factors that we can evaluate at an initial consultation.

We can schedule your initial evaluation over the phone. Give us a call today to set up an appointment. You can call us at 973-538-2000. We look forward to meeting you.


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