A New Jersey Vein Specialist Debunks Top Myths About Vein Doctors

Dr. Lowell Kabnick, one of the best vein doctors in New Jersey, describes several popular myths about vein doctors, and explains why they are not true.

What do New Jersey Residents need to know about varicose vein doctors?
One of the most common myths about New Jersey vein specialists is that they are merely cosmetic consultants, and not “real” physicians. This myth could not be further from the truth. New Jersey vein treatment does involve improving how your legs look, but even more important is improving your health and how you feel. Vein disease is more than a cosmetic issue, because left untreated it can lead to some pretty serious medical consequences.

Those varicose veins can harbor DVT or deep vein thrombosis (blood clots), sometimes deep beneath the surface of your skin so you don’t even know you have a blood clot. Less serious but still important consequences of vein disease include leg pain and skin ulcers, which are painful and difficult to cure. To treat these issues, your New Jersey vascular doctor needs to be much more than a cosmetic consultant. Another myth about vein doctors is that they are only for women.

While more women than men do suffer from varicose veins, men get them too and they suffer similar accompanying symptoms (“My legs hurt”, swollen legs and ankles). And our specialists are just as skilled at treating men as they are women. A final myth we wish to dispel about vein doctors is that they are all the same. While all New Jersey vascular doctors are required to have a high level of medical education and training, they may specialize in certain conditions and have more or less experience overall. You’ll also want a vein doctor who is dedicated to vein disease, rather than one who treats lots of different conditions.

So, if you’d like to know more about our vein doctors and how they can help you get rid of varicose veins once and for all, please give us a call at 973-538-2000. We look forward to meeting you.


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