Summer Travel Can Be Risky For Those With Varicose Veins

I’ve recently been on the move quite a bit, with a recent trip to Nice, France where I presented to Vascular Surgeons from around the world on “Techniques of the Future” for treating chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). While I navigated my flights and the crowded airports, I noticed legs. Specifically, I noticed veins in legs.  Some were particularly tortuous, others were smaller spider veins, but all of them have one thing in common – they indicate an increased risk for developing a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which can be potentially life or limb threatening. Air travel can compound the risk of developing a clot that has the potential to travel to the lungs (called a pulmonary embolism) or to the brain.

Anyone who suffers from symptomatic varicose veins is already at greater risk of developing DVTs.  It’s important for anyone with varicose veins or who experiences any other symptoms of venous reflux disease, including edema; leg heaviness and achiness; hyperpigmentation or discoloration; or venous ulcers to use preventive measures when embarking on a journey by air. Before you fly, be sure to wear or bring onboard a pair of compression socks.  Medical grade compression stockings should be selected and fitted for you by your physician or vascular surgeon, but over the counter compression socks can be purchased at most drug stores and are effective at improving circulation as you fly. 

While you’re en route, try to stretch out and walk around as much as is possible during your flight.  Remaining seated in the same position for an extended period of time decreases circulation and exacerbates symptoms.  If you’re unable to walk around, keep your feet moving as much as you can in your seat – try extending your legs, flexing and pointing your toes, even elevating your feet by propping them on your under-seat carry on. If you experience significant swelling during or after a flight, and you’re at risk of developing a DVT, you should contact your physician when you deplane.

Enjoy your summer travel safely, and don’t forget to take care of your legs!


Before & After

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