Not Ready For Vein Removal In NJ? Try Home Treatments for Varicose Veins

Many people choose not to undergo any type of invasive procedure, perhaps because their varicose veins symptoms are only mild or maybe their lifestyles and values are in contradiction of surgery. Others simply can’t undergo surgery because of health concerns that make invasive treatment riskier. No matter your reasons for opting against Vein Removal in NJ, Dr. Lowell S. Kabnick and his professional vein team can recommend several at-home treatments for helping you and your pesky varicose veins feel better.

What are some effective home treatments for varicose veins for individuals in Morristown, NJ? Compression
For many years, compression stockings have been the conservative treatment of choice and for good reason. Compression stockings are an effective varicose vein treatment in NJ and across the nation for improving symptoms caused by mild to moderate cases of varicose veins and for helping to hinder new problem veins from forming. These specially designed stockings are made of an elasticated fabric that works by applying gentle pressure to the leg and ankle veins. The pressure helps push blood up and out of the veins instead of just sitting around and irritating the veins. If you have spider or varicose veins or have recently undergone a venous procedure, vein experts in Morristown may suggest compression stockings.

If you suffer from swollen legs and ankles or uncomfortable tired legs after a long day at work, it seems only natural to want to lie back and prop up your feet. In fact, vascular doctors often advise their patients to practice this relaxing technique to help ease the symptoms of diseased veins such as swelling and tired, heavy legs. Elevating the legs works by allowing trapped fluids to drain away from the legs. For the best effect, rest your lower legs on a stack of pillows at a height above heart level.

You already know that getting regular exercise is good for your overall health, but it’s also quite helpful for treating varicose veins. Exercise improves circulation by causing the heart to beat harder and faster and pumping blood through the veins more effectively. Partaking in regular exercise before varicose veins become a concern can help people avoid Vein Removal in NJ, but it’s never too late to start. Walking, jogging, playing tennis and dancing are all excellent examples of beneficial physical activity. If you are unsure of how much exercise is right for you, talk with your doctor. It’s also true that some people don’t feel like exercising because their varicose veins have progressed to the point where pain, swelling and skin changes are unbearable. In these instances, calf squeezes, light walking or sitting down for a few minutes can help.

How do I get started with home treatment for my varicose veins?
Home treatments are typically safe for most people with mild to moderate varicose veins to begin on their own, but there are some instances in which a doctor should help you determine if a particular home treatment is right for you. It should also be mentioned that home treatments, while effective for improving bothersome symptoms, neither reverse vein disease nor improve the look of unsightly veins. Dr. Kabnick is a Morristown vein specialist who can pinpoint the root cause of your vein issues and design an effective care plan for improving your veins the way you want. When you’re ready, give us a call at 973-538-2000


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