A NJ Vein Removal Expert Explains How Vein Disease Impacts Pregnancy

There are many changes that occur in a woman’s body while she is pregnant. Some of these changes are obvious, but others are not quite as apparent. Many women are not aware that their risk of vein disease increases while they are pregnant, especially if they are over 35, are overweight, or are carrying twins. Dr. Lowell S. Kabnick, a NJ vein removal expert, encourages women who are pregnant, have been pregnant, or are thinking of becoming pregnant to be mindful of their vein health.

What is the connection between pregnancy and vein disease?
The changes that take place in a pregnant woman’s body tend to put additional pressure on the veins, which is why women are more vulnerable to vein disease during this time. For example, women carry 40% more blood while they are pregnant, which puts additional pressure on the veins. Progesterone, a chemical that women produce while pregnant, can lead to relaxation in vein walls, diminishing their efficiency. Finally, as the uterus grows it puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, a vein that runs down the right side of the body. Pregnancy adds a degree of complication to a vein’s main function: to carry blood from the extremities back to the heart. The extra blood in a pregnant woman’s circulatory system forces veins to work harder to move fluids out of the legs, and the extra pressure from the uterus complicates the task further. Valves that line the vein and keep blood from flowing downward can fail, leading to backpressure. If this pressure becomes too much for progesterone-relaxed vein walls, the vessels can stretch outward and become varicose. Pregnant women should be on the lookout for another type of vein disease: deep vein thrombosis. Pregnant women are more likely to experience this type of blood clot, which can lead to fatal complications if it dislodges from the vein wall and reaches the lungs. Fortunately, there are steps that pregnant women (and anyone else) can take to lower the risk of varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.

Reducing the risk of vein disease during pregnancy
Unfortunately, there is no way to guarantee a pregnancy free from varicose veins. However, there are ways to lower the risk. NYC varicose vein doctors recommend regular exercise throughout pregnancy as a way to improve vascular (and overall) health. While pregnancy is not the time start engaging in intense physical pursuits, a brisk walk is sufficient to improve circulation. Vein experts also recommend being mindful of weight gain during pregnancy, especially for those who are already overweight or obese. Weight gain puts even more strain on overtaxed veins, increasing the risk of varicosities and other issues. If you are currently pregnant, or thinking of becoming pregnant, and have other risk factors for vein disease (such as a family history or a smoking habit), consider scheduling a meeting at a NJ vein treatment center. Consulting with a NYC vein doctor throughout your pregnancy gives you a better chance of avoiding serious complications. Don’t let vein disease keep you from having the joyful pregnancy you’ve always dreamed of. If you’re concerned about how pregnancy might impact your veins, contact Dr. Kabnick at 973-685-4101 and schedule a consultation. We look forward to joining you on this incredible journey.


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