Dr. Lowell S. Kabnick Describes the Benefits of Seeing a Vascular Doctor

If you are one of the 30 million Americans suffering from vein disease, you might wonder whether it’s ok to simply see your general practitioner for treatment. While your general practitioner can help you with a variety of common illnesses, proper vein disease treatment in NJ requires specialized diagnoses and treatment in order to obtain the best results: prettier legs and a healthier circulatory system.

What do NJ residents need to know about the causes of vein disease?
Vein disease is caused by a number of factors, some of which we can control and some of which we can do nothing about. Among those we cannot control are age and heredity. About half of all people over age 50 have some form of venous disease, and people with a family history of varicose veins are more likely to have them too. However, lifestyle factors also make a difference. Maintaining a healthy weight and a regular exercise program are excellent ways to prevent the development of venous disease or slow its progression. In fact, some people don’t need to have any specialized procedures done for their veins, because conservative treatment options such as lifestyle adjustments and compression stockings may be all that is needed. A consultation with a leading NJ vascular doctor such as Dr. Lowell S. Kabnick is an excellent first step to determining your personal risk of venous disease and your risk of its progression to more serious consequences.

What does a NJ vascular doctor offer that other doctors cannot?
Vascular doctors (surgeons) have specialized training in vascular health and venous disease (venous diagnosis and treatment), which are not teachings given to all physicians. Morristown vein specialists such as Dr. Kabnick are board certified and are members of the most prestigious associations dedicated to promoting and teaching the very latest in diagnosis and treatment of venous disease. In terms of specific treatments, a qualified vascular doctor will have several minimally invasive techniques at his disposal, including microphlebectomy, sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation and endovenous laser treatment. These procedures are quick and effective, and can be performed right in your NJ vascular doctor’s office, with no need to go to a hospital. You’ll be up and on your way about an hour after the start of the procedure. The procedures have as their goal the removal or the closure of diseased veins, so that the body reroutes the blood through healthier veins and those unsightly veins disappear. The result is not only more attractive legs, but also improved circulation, which feels good. No more aching or heavy feelings. However, even more important is the reduction in the likelihood of serious complications, such as blood clots or leg ulceration. Left untreated, vein disease can have some pretty nasty consequences.

So don’t wait. Vein disease is progressive, meaning it won’t just go away on its own. Now you know why working with a vascular doctor such as Dr. Kabnick is an excellent way to ensure the best results for both your health and your appearance. Give us a call today to set up an appointment for a venous health evaluation. In NJ, you can call us at (973) 538-2000. We look forward to hearing from you.


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