A New Jersey Vascular Doctor Describes the Best Way to Treat Varicose Veins Today

Dr. Lowell Kabnick, New Jersey vascular doctor, describes the best way to treat varicose veins in these modern and exciting times of minimally invasive treatment advances.

What do New Jersey residents need to know about the best vein treatments?
When our mothers or our aunts had varicose veins or swollen legs and ankles, their treatment options were much different from the ones we have today. They usually had to spend time in a hospital, having surgery with general anesthesia, and a long, painful recovery period. What’s worse, their varicose veins usually came back! And, just as today, they had to deal with the annoying symptoms that go along with varicose veins, such as aching and heaviness, and the risk of developing leg ulcers and blood clots, and of course the general unsightliness of varicose veins. Today, New Jersey vein disease treatment is a much different story.

Gone are the days of vein stripping and painful recoveries. Now, the gold standard treatment will be one of several minimally invasive procedures. Minimally invasive means that it requires only a needle stick or tiny incision, a local anesthetic, and no need to go to a hospital whatsoever. Your treatment will be carried out in a couple of hours in our comfortable clinic, and you’ll be on your way and back at your usual activities that day or the next.

Which modern vein treatment is right for me?
The right treatment for you will depend on a number of factors, such as the location and extent of your varicose veins. The first step to determining a treatment plan will be to carry out a thorough and painless venous health exam. This initial appointment will include a personal medical history interview, a family medical history interview (because genetics plays an important role in your likelihood of developing vein disease), and a visual examination of your legs. Many patients will also have an ultrasound exam, which allows Dr. Kabnick, one of the best vein doctors in New Jersey, to visualize the veins deep beneath the skin surface. This exam is important because it prevents the recurrence of varicose veins that happened to our mothers and aunts. You see, vein doctors didn’t have ultrasound technology in those days, so many diseased veins were missed during their treatment. Unfortunately, varicose veins don’t go away on their own, so those missed veins could progress and become a whole new problem.

Using ultrasound ensures that every vein that needs treatment is treated, so you won’t have to worry about varicose veins coming back to haunt you again. So if you find yourself saying, “My legs hurt,” then set up that first appointment with us at the New Jersey Vein Center. Just give us a call at 973-538-2000 to get started.


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