A New Jersey Vascular Doctor Describes the Best Vein Treatment Options for Active People

Dr. Lowell Kabnick, New Jersey vascular doctor, describes the most appropriate vein treatment options for active people.

What do New Jersey residents need to know about vein treatments for active people?
If you are an active person with a regular fitness schedule, you may wonder whether New Jersey vein disease treatment will sideline you and keep you from exercising or maintaining your active lifestyle. You might be surprised to hear that not only will such treatments not sideline you, they can actually improve your ability to exercise without the annoying symptoms that often go along with varicose veins.

Varicose veins develop when the tiny valves inside our veins weaken or break down. These valves are important to your circulation because they direct the blood in one direction, upwards, from the feet to the heart, against gravity. If those valves don’t work, blood can move downwards and pool in the legs, causing swollen legs & ankles, aching and a heavy feeling in the legs, and of course those unsightly varicose veins. Naturally, these symptoms can interfere with both your capacity to perform exercise and your likelihood of enjoying doing so. And unfortunately, leaving varicose veins untreated is risky – they will not go away on their own, and they can lead to some unpleasant medical consequences such as leg ulceration or even deep vein thrombosis (blood clots).

What can I, as an active person, expect from New Jersey vein disease treatment for my varicose veins? We have a number of minimally invasive treatment options, such as sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, and ablation with laser or radiofrequency energy. Minimally invasive means that they only involve a single needle stick and no need to go to a hospital or experience lengthy recovery times. You’ll have your treatment right at our comfortable clinic in New Jersey, and within a couple of hours you’ll be on your way and back at your active lifestyle.

It’s very likely you’ll feel better about exercising and being active, thanks to the improved circulation in your legs and the elimination of those annoying symptoms that accompanied your varicose veins. What’s more, your legs will look much better too, which always makes it more fun to get out there and be active. The right treatment for you will depend on a number of factors, such as the location and extent of your varicose veins. A quick venous health exam will reveal the best treatment modality for you, and it is completely painless. We can even use ultrasound imagery to see the veins deep beneath the skin and ensure that no problem veins are missed during treatment. So if you are an active person and you find yourself saying, “My legs hurt,” then set up that first appointment with us at the New Jersey Vein Center. Just give us a call at 973-538-2000.


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