A New Jersey Vein Specialist: How Vein Doctors Can Help You Avoid Future Health Problems

In this article, Dr. Lowell Kabnick, noted New Jersey vascular doctor, offers patients a beginner’s guide to varicose vein treatments.

What do New Jersey residents need to know about vein disease treatments?
Vein disease treatment in New Jersey has come a long way in recent decades. Whereas our mothers and our aunts usually had to go to the hospital and endure vein stripping and lengthy recovery times, all that is now in the past. Modern vein disease treatments such as sclerotherapy and endovenous ablation are quick, easy and virtually pain free. More importantly, they are performed on an outpatient basis in a comfortable clinic, meaning you are up and on your way in a couple of hours and back at your usual activities.

Do I need vein disease treatment at all? I thought varicose veins were just a cosmetic issue.
All varicose veins should be assessed by a specialist, because they won’t go away on their own. What’s more, they can progress to some rather unpleasant medical consequences, such as leg ulcers, which are painful and difficult to treat. Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is another potential complication of varicose veins that can be deadly. DVT refers to the formation of blood clots in the veins, a phenomenon most people aren’t even aware of until it’s too late. The clot can break free of its location in the leg and move to the heart, lungs or brain, causing an embolism. If you have varicose veins and find yourself saying, “My legs hurt,” you are not alone. Pain and heaviness often accompany varicose veins, along with swollen legs and ankles and of course discomfort regarding the unsightliness of varicose veins. Vein disease treatment can eliminate varicose veins quickly and easily, along with their accompanying symptoms. That is reason enough to have your veins assessed as soon as possible by a New Jersey vein specialist.

Which treatment is right for me?
The right treatment for you will depend on the results of your venous health evaluation, which will reveal the location and extent of your vein problem. This exam can be performed painlessly in about an hour, and is the first step to getting rid of varicose veins and restoring the health and beauty of your legs. This examination involves an interview about your personal and family health, a visual examination of your legs, and an ultrasound examination of your legs.

This last step allows your vein specialist to visualize the veins deep beneath the skin, to ensure that no veins are missed during your treatment. So don’t wait another day. Please give us a call at 973-538-2000, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions and schedule a venous health assessment right over the phone.


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