A Vascular Doctor in New Jersey Describes Home Treatments for Vein Disease Symptoms

Dr. Lowell Kabnick, one of the best vein doctors in New Jersey, knows that patients are often interested in what they can do at home to relieve vein disease symptoms. While such treatments cannot eliminate existing varicose veins, they can prevent the onset of vein disease, help ease symptoms, and slow the progress of existing vein disease.

What do New Jersey residents need to know about home treatments for vein disease symptoms?
Many patients find themselves with swollen legs and ankles or other symptoms related to vein disease, such as aching, pain, or a heavy feeling in the lower extremities. They often wonder if there is anything they can do at home to relieve their symptoms or even to treat vein disease themselves. While home treatment can indeed ease symptoms and help slow the progress of vein disease, such treatments cannot eliminate varicose veins or reverse the vein disease process. Therefore, the following recommendations should be implemented in conjunction with a visit to a vascular doctor in New Jersey to treat the underlying condition and fully restore the health and beauty of the legs.

Home treatments for vein disease symptoms
One of the first things you can do to ease vein disease symptoms is to give your legs a rest and elevate your feet to reduce swelling. This is particularly important if you must spend long periods of time on your feet each day. If, on the other hand, you must sit for extended periods at a desk or on a plane, it is very important to get up and walk around every hour to improve blood flow and help prevent blood clots. Your New Jersey vein specialist may also prescribe compression stockings for you, which will aid your veins in returning the blood from the feet up to the heart, against gravity.

If compression stockings are right for you, Dr. Kabnick will explain their proper use to you at your visit. However, as mentioned earlier, the only way to eliminate varicose veins and completely halt the progression of vein disease is to have one of our minimally invasive treatments, such as sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, or endovenous ablation, either with radiofrequency energy or lasers. Dr. Kabnick can help you determine which of those treatments is best for you during one of our professional venous health evaluations. If you would like any more information on home treatments or other treatments for vein disease, please do not hesitate to contact us at the New Jersey Vein Center at 973-538-2000.


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