A NJ Vascular Doctor Provides An Update on Varicose Veins in Women

Varicose veins were first described over 2500 years ago. A varicose vein is caused when the one-way valve system in leg veins is faulty and blood backs up in the veins causing a ‘varix’ or ‘twisted vein’. Down though the generations and across the world, varicose veins are seen more commonly in women than in men. This makes sense for many reasons.

What do Morris County residents need to know about the causes of varicose veins?
Female hormones can cause the leg veins to dilate, which causes the one-way valve system to malfunction. There is also a large increase in blood volume during pregnancy, which further dilates the leg veins and adds to the back up of blood. Added to all this is extra pressure of a pregnant uterus on the leg veins, which again can cause varicose veins in women. Varicose veins are also seen more commonly in women who have a family history of varicose veins, are older and who have higher body weights. Women with varicose veins usually complain of swollen, twisted, red or blue veins on their legs. However, this is not just a cosmetic problem. Women also notice pain, aching, tiredness and swelling of their legs. If left untreated, these varicose veins can cause blood clots, leg ulcers and bleeding. Varicose veins in pregnant women can improve once the baby is delivered. However, additional pregnancies can lead to vein damage that does not settle once the baby is born. Women who have never been pregnant can also get varicose veins.

What treatments are available for women with varicose veins?
Morristown vein experts tailor the treatment of varicose veins to the individual woman. The overall approach for caring for women with varicose veins has been revolutionized with minimally invasive surgery. Before minimally invasive surgery, women waited to have their varicose veins treated after they had finished having a family. However waiting is not recommended anymore. You can now see a vein expert before or between pregnancies to prevent the symptoms of varicose veins in successive pregnancies and to prevent ongoing damage to the leg veins with each new pregnancy. These highly effective and safe minimally invasive procedures can be performed in about an hour, right in your Morristown vein clinic, with no need to visit a hospital or have general anesthetics. NJ vascular doctor Dr. Lowell S. Kabnick is an expert in caring for women with varicose veins. A venous health evaluation at the Morristown vein clinic involves a detailed medical and pregnancy history, clinical examination and ultrasound examination of the leg veins. Dr. Kabnick can then help you to decide on the best treatment and timing for your varicose veins. We can schedule your venous health evaluation over the phone. Give us a call today to set up an appointment at 973-538-2000.


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