A NJ Vascular Doctor Explains Why You’ll Be Glad you Sought Vein Disease Treatment

Just imagine: getting your life back. It’s been slowly seeping away, as those varicose veins have progressed and left you feeling both socially and physically not your best. Maybe you’re sick of hiding those legs under long skirts or pants. Perhaps you’re tired of telling friends you don’t feel up to going out, due to that achy, heavy feeling you’ve been experiencing. Or maybe you’re getting nervous because you’ve read about some of the possible consequences of vein disease, none of which are very appealing.

Why should Morris County Residents seek prompt NJ vein disease treatment?
Treatment is so important mainly because vein disease is progressive, meaning it won’t just go away on its own. You see, vein disease is the result of damage or weakening to the tiny valves inside our veins, due to genetics, aging, or lifestyle factors such as obesity and lack of exercise. When those valves weaken, blood can pool in the lower extremities, causing all the symptoms you are now familiar with. And once those veins are diseased, they require removal or sealing off by a Morristown vein specialist, so that your body can reroute blood through healthier veins in the area. The earlier you seek treatment, the quicker you’ll get to enjoy your legs and a healthy circulatory system again. And the quicker you’ll get to stop worrying about possible problems like skin ulceration or deep vein thrombosis (blood clots), which could be deadly. That’s why you’ll be so glad you visited Dr. Lowell S. Kabnick, at our comfortable Morristown vein clinic, sooner rather than later. You can return to enjoying all the activities and clothing you used to, and free your mind of some important worries.

How do I get started?
You can simply call us at 973-538-2000 to set up an initial appointment. At that visit, we’ll give you a painless, professional venous health evaluation, including an ultrasound exam, to visualize the veins deep beneath the skin’s surface. That will reveal much about the extent, location and health status of your veins, and will provide Dr. Kabnick with the information he needs to advise you on the best treatment approaches for your particular situation. He may suggest laser ablation, radiofrequency ablation, sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, or even some conservative options, all of which can be performed right in our NJ vein disease treatment center on an outpatient basis. Then, he will work together with you to devise a treatment plan that fits with your busy schedule, and that achieves your goals in terms of aesthetics and symptom relief. So call us today and make an appointment with the best NJ vascular doctor in town – you’ll be very glad you did!


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