A New Jersey Vascular Doctor Publishes an Article on Why Varicose Veins Sometimes Come Back

Morristown, New Jersey. New Jersey Vein Center announces the publication of an article on why varicose veins sometimes come back. According to the New Jersey based center, recurrent varicose veins are a major concern among patients. Dr. Lowell Kabnick, sole practitioner of NJVC and a top New Jersey vascular doctor explains, “Varicose veins may recur due to missing one or more veins that need treatment, not using the most effective treatment technique, or due to certain genetic and lifestyle factors that increase the risk of developing varicose veins.” Dr. Kabnick notes that, “The initial venous health assessment must include a medical and family history, a visual examination of your legs, and a painless ultrasound examination of your legs.

Ultrasound allows your specialist to visualize the veins deep beneath the skin. In this way no veins are missed and all are treated properly.” In terms of treatments, Dr. Kabnick explains that the most effective techniques include endovenous ablation, which has been shown to be much more effective at eliminating varicose veins permanently than the old surgical technique of vein stripping. “However,” he cautions, “Even these new techniques could fail in the hands of an inexperienced specialist, which is why it is so important to choose a dedicated vein doctor instead of a general practitioner for treatment.” Dr. Kabnick advises anyone who is concerned about recurrent varicose veins to call the New Jersey Vein Center with any questions. For more information about vein disease treatment in New Jersey, or on vein treatments in general, visit the New Jersey Vein Center website at https://lowellkabnickmd.com.

Varicose Vein Treatment Options
Many men and women find themselves suffering from spider veins (small, reddish veins found on the skin’s surface) and varicose veins (larger, bulging veins that often appear blue in color). Although both genders are at risk for varicose and spider veins, women are more likely to experience them than men. There are a number of different vein treatment options available to safely and effectively remove varicose veins.

These minimally invasive treatments, which include radio frequency ablation, sclerotherapy, endovenous laser ablation, and phlebectomy, are the result of recent technological advancements and deliver optimal results without causing unnecessary downtime or unpleasant side effects. New Jersey Vein Center


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