Resolve to Get Fit This Year?

With the new year comes a new set of resolutions. I noticed the parking lot of the local gym in Morristown was filled to capacity the first two weeks of January, but the surge of people striving to get fit, lose weight, and improve their health has already waned. However, if you are one of the many millions of Americans who suffer from varicose veins, it is even more important to keep those resolutions and make exercise a way of life. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can alleviate symptoms of varicose veins. 

When the pain and swelling of varicose veins impact your ability to participate in activities or hit the gym, it may be time to consider insurance-covered endovenous treatment. Whether you and your vascular surgeon choose radiofrequency or laser vein ablation, phlebectomy, or a combination of procedures, you should feel relief almost immediately and be able to resume normal activities within a few days. You can be back at the gym in no time, and make this a year that you keep your resolutions!


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