A New Jersey Vein Specialist on Why Varicose Veins Sometimes Come Back

Dr. Lowell Kabnick, New Jersey vein specialist, explains the reasons varicose veins sometimes come back, and how you can best prevent this from happening.

What do New Jersey residents need to know about recurrent varicose veins?
As a patient, we know you want to be sure that once your varicose veins are treated, they never come back. Dr. Lowell Kabnick, one of the best vein doctors in New Jersey, notes that there are 3 main reasons veins return after treatment:

  • One or more diseased veins were missed in the venous health evaluation, and were not treated
  • The treating physician did not use the most effective treatment available
  • Certain lifestyle and genetic factors lead to vein recurrence

How can I be sure they won’t come back?
At your New Jersey vein disease treatment center, you’ll have the most modern and comprehensive venous health evaluation available. This assessment includes a medical and family history, a visual examination, and a painless ultrasound examination of your legs. Ultrasound allows your specialist to visualize the veins deep beneath the skin, the ones you can’t see with your eyes. In this way we ensure that no veins are missed and all are treated properly. Next, we offer only the newest and most effective options in the field of New Jersey vein disease treatment. For example, our minimally invasive techniques include endovenous ablation, which has been shown to be much more effective at eliminating varicose veins permanently than the old surgical technique of vein stripping. However, even these new techniques could fail in the hands of an inexperienced specialist, which is why it’s so important to choose a dedicated vein doctor such as Dr. Kabnick, instead of a general practitioner for your treatment.

Finally, if you have genetic or lifestyle risk factors that affect your likelihood of developing new varicose veins, we will work with you to develop strategies to counter these risk factors. We can help you lose weight and start an exercise program, for example, which can reduce your risk of suffering from recurrent varicose veins. If you have any specific questions about how likely it is that your varicose veins will come back after treatment, feel free to give us a call at 973-538-2000. We look forward to meeting you.


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